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Hot Button Assessment

Workplace conflict is inevitable. Resolve it cost-effectively by improving self-awareness. 

Workplace Conflict Drains Energy, Time, and Money


Creditable surveys indicate that managers spend 20 to 40 percent of their time dealing with conflict in the workplace. Whether you are a team leader, a manager or a member of your organization’s leadership team, the ability to handle difficult situations constructively is critical to business success. 


Follow the links to view samples of conflict profiles.


Sample Individual Report


Sample 360 Report


Sample Group Report


CDP Overview



For more information email or call (705) 607-1058

Conflict Dynamics


Leaders initiate change. Change produces conflict. Conflict derails change if not addressed positively.


Every leader must be competent and comfortable addressing conflict.


Everyone experiences conflict. The average employee spends 2.1 hours a week dealing with conflict.


Conflict is not the problem, badly managed conflict is. 


This workshop is designed to help people better understand how they currently respond to workplace conflict by measuring  situations and behaviors that can trigger conflict. 


Improve awareness about what triggers conflict within you—and learn how you respond to conflict behaviorally. The first step in any journey is to know where you are right now, and the Conflict Dynamics Profile® provides you with that knowledge. Prepare to move forward with confidence.



The Benefits of Effective Conflict Management


The ability to manage conflict effectively represents a strategic business advantage.


Reduce costs

  • Make better business decisions

  • Implement initiatives more effectively 

  • Get substantial return on investment


Increase productivity

  • Reduce absenteeism and “presenteeism”

  • Improve the quality of decision making under stress 

  • Foster an environment of creative innovation


Retain your top performers

  • Strengthen supervisory relationships

  • Keep your teams engaged and openly communicating

  • Give your people the power to make a positive difference


Manage risk

  • Prevent violence, sabotage, and vandalism

  • Mitigate legal risks

  • Better manage public perception of your organization’s brand 




Multiple Applications 


Connect and collaborate. The Conflict Dynamics Profile can be used in leadership development programs, teambuilding, executive coaching, and conflict resolution contexts. 


What to expect from this instrument


The Conflict Dynamics Profile was developed to prevent harmful conflict in the workplace. Backed by solid evidence of reliability and validity, this instrument provides managers and employees with a greater awareness of how they respond when faced with conflict.


Expect an insightful approach that lessens the problems associated with harmful or unproductive forms of conflict and results in more effective conflict management skills.


Easy to use. Quickly and easily completed in 20-25 minutes, the Conflict Dynamics Profile is appropriate for employees at all levels and is applicable for organizations large and small, across all industries. 

​© 2013 Created by Paul Bailey

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