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Communicate for Commitment


"Listen to Understand, Speak to be Understood"


George Bernard Shaw stated, "The problem with communication is the assumption that it has taken place."

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?            -SAI BABA 


  • Before you speak, ask yourself, will what I say cause damage to a relationship with people important to me? Which is more important to me; to say what I want to say, or to continue a positive relationship?

  • Before you speak, ask yourself, will what I’m going to say be considered a criticism? If so, shouldn’t I wait until a more suitable time and place? Shouldn’t I say it in private?

  • Before you speak, ask yourself, will what I plan to say bring sunshine to a dim place? Or will it bring darkness? Will it open a window of opportunity for someone or some idea? Or will it close a door in someone’s face? Will it create or kill?

  • Communication has consequences. You may say, “I take it back.” But you really cannot. It’s better that you ‘give it’ right in the first place.

  • It’s better that you think before you speak.


This is just one of the ideas and techniques that will be covered by Listening for Understanding, Communicating for Commitment training workshop. 

Speaking, Listening, and Resolving Conflict Skills


Communicating to...

  • Inspire Collaboration

  • Evoke Action

  • Create Great Accomplishments





This workshop can be presented in a half-day or full-day format.  

Without clear communication, all the other elements of a high performance team just won't work.  


Workshop Outline:


1. Adopting Positive Communication

  • Understand the impact of attitude on communication

  • Discover the different communication styles.

  • Develop a communication style that builds trust and respect.


2. Speaking Skills for Positive Results

  • Develop effective speaking skills that produce action and results.


3. Listening Skills

  • Develop effective listening skills to bridge barriers of differences, perceptions, and styles and create positive outcome.


Use the contact link for more information or to schedule the communications workshop.


Contact link

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