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Non-profit Training Options
There is no quick fix for effective leadership, no magic bullet and no one-day workshop that will produce a competent and fully prepared leader, it is a strategic process.
Materials & Facilitation Fees
This page contains discounted pricing from public and corporate rates.
Full-day workshop $1000 - 25% = $750
Half-day $600 - 25% = $450
10% discount on all assessments and workbooks
Enquire about quantity discounts on assessments
Customized workshop fee - $250
Use the links below for workshop information.
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Conflict Competence
The Conflict Dynamics Profile can be used in leadership development programs, teambuilding, executive coaching, and conflict resolution contexts.
One-day assessment based workshop. More
Everything DiSC
A series of training workshops based on DiSC profile. Individual workshops are designed for Leaders, Managers and workplace and is highly effective at emproving relationships.
One-day asssessment based workshop More
Leadership 101
Leadership is a fuzzy concept—you know it when you see it, but it can be difficult to pinpoint the characteristics and behaviors that will consistently guarantee that someone will be a leader.
One-day Workshop using Participant Workbook
Five Behaviors of A
Cohesive Team
A cohesive teams needs to master five behaviours with each behaviour building on the previous one. These behaviours should not be addressed in isolation from each other.
One-day Assessment Based Workshop
Problem Solving &
Decision Making
Leadership is a fuzzy concept—you know it when you see it, but it can be difficult to pinpoint the characteristics and behaviors that will consistently guarantee that someone will be a leader.
One-day Workshop using Participant Workbook
Social & Emotional Intelligence
Social & Emotional Intelligence workshop can be used for one-on-one coaching as well as leadership and team training.
This is a one-day assessment workshop assessing 27 emotional competiences
Trustworthy Leader
When leaders and managers are trustworthy, they will inspire the confidence and discretionary efforts of those around them. This workshop will prepare you to examine the behaviors that generate trust as well as positive business results.
One-day Workshop using Participant Workbook More
Super Manager
Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For
People don't leave bad organizations they leave bad bosses.
One-day Workshop using Participant Workbook
George Bernard Shaw stated, "The problem with communication is the assumption that it has taken place."
Without clear communication, all the other elements of a high performance team just won't work.
One-day Workshop using Participant Workbook
Leadership is a fuzzy concept—you know it when you see it, but it can be difficult to pinpoint the characteristics and behaviors that will consistently guarantee that someone will be a leader.
One-day Workshop using Participant Workbook
More Information
Culture change or culture development does not happen overnight, but it does determine or deter, your success, as well as organizational health and effenciency.